Angela Devani is the Dream catalyst who supports you in remembering your dreams and going for it All!
4-Month Herbal Intensive
Imagine…..harvesting plants in the wild
and making medicine with those plants.
Did you know that the majority of pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter supplements are derived from petroleum?
Learning how to confidently identify local medicinal plants is life-changing and is an amazing way to support your health.
With the unknowns of the supply chain and the source of your medicines, being able to make your own plant-based herbal remedies is more important now than it ever has been.

Oregon Grape
What you will receive:
In depth instruction from Angela to help you get comfortable identifying local medicinal plants.
Learn how to Identify local medicinal plants throughout their life cycle
Plant Medicine Making instruction (tinctures, syrups, teas, infused oils)
Gain the wisdom and experience to move forward confidently incorporating plant medicine into your life and the lives of your loved ones
5 hands-on classes 9am-1pm: June 18, July 9, July 24, August 27, September 24
The investment in your
Health & Your Future is $555
payment plans are available (contact Angela)
Sign up now! Class size is limited.