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How do they fit into your daily life?


First of all - You are Guided by Spirit (whether you tune in to Spirit or not)

Secondly - You Breathe AIR...

Thirdly - You Live on the EARTH...

Fourth - You are warmed by the Sun (FIRE)...

Fifth - Your body is 90% WATER 


My Soul has shown me that the Elements are the primary way for us to connect with our 5th Dimensional selves.  


The Elements are the key to our Ascension.


Connecting with them can restructure your DNA.


They can harmonize all of the cells in your body and help you align with your Purpose.


How do you incorporate the elements into your every day life?


I invite you on this journey to Embody the Elements with me!


During this 5 class journey you will:

- In this 5 audio series you will dive deep and connect with each element. It is a much deeper series than the "Connect with the Elements" Visualizationmeditation.

- Receive 5 different recordings that will hep you connect with the 5 primary elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit

- We will Connect with and Integrate one Element per class so you can incorporate their energy into your daily life

- You will have a greater understanding about each Element, their place in your life, their place in the structure of the Universe and how they can assist you on your journey.


Embody the Elements 5 part Series

  • You will receive a series of 5 digital files, 1 for each Element (Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit) in mp4 format.

    Please respect my energy and do not share these files with anyone else.  The files are intended for the person who purchased the course.  

    Thank you!

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